Welcome Reception
June 7th, 2017 – 19:00
Venue: Hotel St. Marinha
Phone: +351 253511249
Pousada Mosteiro Guimarães – Small Luxury Hotels
Largo Domingos Leite de Castro, Lugar da Costa, 4810-011, Guimarães
GPS: Lat: N 41 26.593; Long: W 8 16.591
There will be a bus doing roundtrips from University of Minho, (the venue where the workshops are taking place), to Pousada de Guimarães – Santa Marinha, from 18h30 onwards.The bus will do as many trips as necessary, and the first ride leaves at 18h30. The waiting area for the bus is inside the campus of Azurém.
At the end of the welcome reception, from 21:00-22:30 a bus will be available to transport participants to the city center. This bus will make several trips between the Welcome venue and the City Center.
Grupo de Fados, FEUP
Fado is a portuguese music genre dating back to the 1800’s. The word itself means destiny or fate and although its roots cannot be precisely traced, it is deeply related to the feeling of Saudade, or “longing”, infused with a sentiment of resignation, fatefulness and melancholia.
Grupo de Fados from FEUP is an academic group who interprets Student Fado, a variant of the traditional Fado, that was born in Coimbra in the 1950’s. This genre incorporates the Portuguese academic tradition and all musicians wear the academic outfit, comprising of a dark robe, cape and leggings.
The translated songs can be found Here
Conference Dinner
June 9th, 2017 – 20:00
Venue: Paço dos Duques
Address: Rua Conde D. Henrique
4810-245 Guimarães
Phone: +351 253 412 273
Email: pduques@culturanorte.pt
Academic Tuna – Minho University
A Tuna is a group of university students in traditional academic outfit who play traditional instruments and sing serenades.
Similarly to Academic Fado, this type of music and academic association is widely regarded as a very important symbol within the Portuguese cultural heritage.
Porto Wine/Green Wine tasting
June 10th, 2017 – 13:00
Venue: Centro Cultural Vila Flor (CCVF)
Address: Avenida D. Afonso Henriques, 701
4810-431 Guimarães
Phone: (+351) 253 424700
Email: geral@ccvf.pt
Academic Choir – Minho University
The Caum is one of the oldest groups of the University of Minho, having started its activities in January 1989, with the name of Choir of the Academic Association of the University of Minho, and has since developed a working practice and dissemination of music of all eras, especially Portuguese music.