Call for workshops
The European Conferences on Information Systems (ECIS) increasingly attract co-located workshops on the topics related to Information Systems. Continuing this trend, the ECIS 2017 in Guimarães aims to feature a number of co-located workshops. We invite the IS community to propose Pre-ECIS workshops to be held prior to the ECIS conference. The Conference will be held from Wednesday 7th (Welcome Reception) until Saturday 10th June, 2017.
Full-day or half-day workshops can be scheduled on the 6th and 7th of June, 2017. The number of workshops may be limited due to space limitations. You are invited to submit a workshop proposal by 21th October, 2016 (at the latest) to the Workshop Chairs.
Please send an email describing the workshop’s theme according to the template provided here .The idea is to give early feedback to proposers about similar workshop proposals and enable them to consider merger potential ahead of time. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or raise issues.
Decisions to accept/reject workshop proposals will be made by the Workshops Chairs in consultation with the Conference and Program Chairs.
The organisers of accepted workshops will be responsible for the reviewing process and publicity (e.g. website and call for papers). They will be required to cooperate closely with the Workshops Chairs and the ECIS 2017 local organisers to finalise all organisational details. Workshop attendees must pay the ECIS2017 workshop registration fee. If workshop attendees would also like to attend the main conference, they must also pay the conference registration fee. Workshop registrations and payments will be made via the Conference registration system, and payments to the facilities will thus be taken care of by the local ECIS organisers. In particular, local organisers may require that all workshops adhere to specific requirements regarding the general timetable, registration and catering.
Workshop organisers must inform the Workshop Chairs of the numbers of submissions and acceptances as these numbers become available. Workshops may be cancelled owing to lack of submissions or registrations at the early registration deadline. Please note that the duration of the workshop might be adjusted based on the number of submissions received. Only accepted workshops are official ECIS 2017 workshops and enjoy support from the organising committee.
Further deadlines:
Opening of the Submissions June 27, 2016
Deadline for Submissions Oct 21, 2016
Notification of Decisions Nov 30, 2016
Our Workshop and Tutorials Chairs are:
Antoine Harfouche, Université Paris Dauphine, France
Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick, Ireland
Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Please submit your proposal to, which will reach all the Workshop Chairs.
We look forward to receiving your proposals!
Template for Workshop proposals